#262608 Ippica Cavalli

Make Your Own Horse Equipment.

CuratoreIllustrated by William Perry.
EditoreJ.A.Allen & Co.
Data di pubbl.
Dettagli cm.19x24,5, pp.108, softcover.
AbstractHorse owners who want to make their own horse equipment can use this book with confidence. No special skills are needed and the book is presented in the same format as Jean Perry's popular "Make Your Own Horse Clothing". Over 40 items of equipment are described with simple, concise and easily followed instructions. The graph patterns and drawings which accompany the text can be modified to suit individual needs. Many items can be re-cycled from worn-out equipment, some use readily available materials and where special materials are required the author suggest where they can be found.
CondizioniUsato, come nuovo
EUR 9.90
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