#273743 Viaggi Esplorazioni Guide

Amazon Beaming.

Data di pubbl.
Dettagli cm.12,5x20, pp.XIV,402, brossura cop.fig. a col. Coll.Travel.
AbstractIn 1971, after years of searching, the photographer and writer Loren McIntyre flew deep into the Amazon interior to look for the source of the great river, and for the Mayoruna tribe. Never before contacted by the outside world, they were rumoured to be the only people who knew the true source of the Amazon. Lost in the jungle and kidnapped by the Mayoruna, McIntyre was at the mercy of the extraordinary war-painted "cat-people" with spines bristling out of their lips. He claims to have reached his goal by communicating telepathically with the tribe's head shaman. This is McIntyre's story, told by Petru Popescu, author of the novel and screenplay, "The Last Wave".
NoteText in English.
EUR 5.90
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