#297145 Arte libri d'Artista

Urzeit / Uhrzeit. This edition consists of 250 copies numbered 1-250 and 50 numbered I-L, the composition, reproduction and printing were carried out by Stamperia Valdonega, Verona, December 1990. The preface was set in monotype Van Dijck 203, front and back matter in Garamond 156 and printed letterpress, the reproductions were made and printed in two and four colours and the edition printed on paper especially manufactured by Cartiera Cordenons.

CuratoreToday Crossed out by Coosje van Bruggen.
EditoreRizzoli International.
Data di pubbl.
Dettagli cm.30,5x43,5, pp. [4] -246- [4]. editorial binding on canvas with case, This copy number n.177. First edition. New copy.
AbstractThis luscious artists book includes a selection from Hanne Darboven's (1941-2009) seminal work group Urzeit/Uhrzeit, that originally consits of 26 single volumes and was created between 1987 and '88. The artists book is limited to 148 pages from the original, each page containing four original pieces. Hanne Darboven, one of the most important conceptual artists of the 20th century, has created a specific and responsible metonymy for her generation. She always was concerned with the limitations of the human consciousness and the perception of time and history. This opus magnum never achieved the public acclaim it deserves. artbookcologne strives to change that with a new, attractive price.
EUR 490.00
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