#315381 Scienze Tecniche

The emotion of Sound. People, service and innovation : the sustainable growth path of a global leader.

CuratoreForeword by Maria Latella. Bocconi University Press.
Data di pubbl.
Dettagli cm.14,5x23, pp.118, brossura.
AbstractWith an aging population, and above all a society that is becoming increasingly noisy, hearing loss is a problem destined to increase and affect ever-younger age groups. Yet, it is still talked about too little: in fact, there is a social stigma associated with it that is difficult to overcome. The aim of the book is, first and foremost, to raise awareness about the consequences that noise pollution can have on each of us, while also illustrating the solutions that technology makes available today. Yet in this ? eld, technology alone is not sufficient if it is not accompanied by highly-personalized service and care. It is the skills (and sensitivity) of the trained individuals working at an Italian family company that has allowed it to become one of the world leaders in the distribution of hearing aids and personal care services. It was 1950 when Algernon Charles Holland founded what would become Amplifon in Milan, to help people who had hearing problems as a result of World War II. Today, the Group, listed on the stock exchange, operates in twenty-five countries and on five continents. This book tells the story of the company and its strategies, but above all, the values that have brought it to the top of the industry.
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#3153812 copie
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