#316585 Architettura e Urbanistica

Perspecta 49 - Quote.

CuratoreThe Yale Architectural Journal. Edited by A. J. Artemel. Russell Lestourgeon, Violette De La Selle.
EditoreMIT Press.
Data di pubbl.
Dettagli cm.23x31, pp.270 ill.bn. brossura. Collana Perspecta.
AbstractAn exploration of quotation, appropriation, and plagiarism, arguing that quotation and associated operations are ubiquitous, intentional, and vital in architecture.Every intellectual endeavor relies upon an existing body of knowledge, proven and primed for reuse. Historically, this appropriation has been regulated through quotation. Academics trade epigraphs and footnotes while designers refer to precedents and manifestos. These citations—written or spoken, drawn or built—rely on their antecedent, and carry the stamp of authority.
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