#318446 Filosofia

Documenti e Studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale. vol.XXVI,2016.

CuratoreA cura di Amos Bertolacci, Gabriele Galluzzo.
EditoreSismel. Ediz.del Galluzzo.
Data di pubbl.
Dettagli cm.17x24, pp. VI,494, brossura.
AbstractR. Granieri, Systems of Predication. Aristotle's Categories in Topics, I, 9 - M. J. Griffin, Why Philosophy Begins with the Categories: Perspectives from the 1-st Century Greek Commentators - R. Chiaradonna, Are There Qualities in Intelligible Being? On Plotinus VI.2 [43] 14 - M. Hauer, The notion of ejpithdeiovth in Simplicius' discussion of quality - H. Taieb, Classifying Knowledge and Cognates: On Aristotle's Categories, 8, 11a20-38 and Its Early Reception - A. D. Conti, Relations and Relatives in Boethius's Commentary on the Categories: the Invention of Monadic Twoplace Predicates - P. Thom, On the logics of genus and differentia in the Aristotelian tradition - S. Di Vincenzo, Avicenna's reworking of Porphyry's "common accident" in the light of Aristotle's Categories - N. Caminada, A quotation of an anonymous "logician" in Avicenna's Categories - C. Girard, Les catégories d'action et de passion dans le Livre des Six principes et quelques-uns de ses commentaires - H. Hansen, A Book about Being: Anonymus Domus Petri 205on Aristotle's Categories - B. Tremblay, Albertus Magnus on the Problem of the Division of the Categories - M. Roques, Quantification and Measurement of Qualities at the Beginning of the 14th Century. The Case of William of Ockham - J. Pelletier, Walter Chatton on Categories - J. Brumberg-Chaumont, Buridan et le problème des termes singuliers substantiels - F. Di Giacomo, Pensare ed interpretare la realtà: il commento alle Categorie di Giovanni Buridano. Indici.
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