#324852 Arte libri d'Artista

Je suis le Cahier. Sketchbooks of Picasso.

CuratoreEdited by Arnold Glimcher and Marc Glimcher.
EditoreRoyal Academy of Arts.
Data di pubbl.
Dettagli cm.23,5x30, pp.348 ill. brossura copertina figurata a colori.
AbstractThe Sketchbooks of Picasso is the only collection available of the private sketchbooks of Pablo Picasso, which he began in Barcelona in 1894. For more than seventy years, as the young painter blossomed and matured into the greatest artist of the twentieth century, he kept a record of his ideas and thoughts, so that by 1964 there were 175 sketchbooks, a unique and startling picture of the mind of a genius at work.Accompanying the major sections are essays by six of the greatest American art historians: E.A. Carmean, Sam Hunter, Rosalind Krauss, Theodore Reff, Robert Rosenblum, and Gert Schiff. A foreword by Claude Picasso, the artist's son, and a reminiscence by Francoise Gilot, Claude's mother, provide a more personal understanding of the part the sketchbooks played in Picasso's life.
CondizioniUsato, molto buono
Notealla prima carta bianca dedica del precedente proprietario.
EUR 34.00
#324852Ultima copia
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Storia dell'insediamento in Lunigiana: Alta Valle Aulella.
Sagep per Cassa di Risparmio di Carrara
1979 (stampa 1980), cm.27x36,5, pp.159,(1), 220 foto e disegni a colori e in bn. nt., legatura editoriale cartonata , titoli al piatto anteriore e al dorso, sopraccoperta figurata a colori.
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Le Preromantisme. Etudes d'histoire littéraire europenne.
Le Preromantisme. Etudes d'histoire littéraire europenne.
1947-1949, 3 volumi. cm.13x20,5, pp.312, VIII,332, XI,412, brossure.
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Studi monfalconesi e duinati. Antichità altoadriatiche X.
Studi monfalconesi e duinati. Antichità altoadriatiche X.
Arti Grafiche Friulane
1976, cm.17x24, pp.129, alcune illustraz. bianco e nero nel testo, brossura.

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1978, cm.23,5x28,5, pp.144, illustrato a colori. legatura editoriale cartonata con sopracoperta figurata a colori.

all'ultima pagina bianca sono applicate 2 cartoline a colori raffiguranti

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#329291Ultima copia