#325111 Arte Pittura

Mimmo Rotella.

CuratoreSelected Works.
Data di pubbl.
Dettagli cm.25x29, pp.572, illustrazioni in bianco e nero e a colori, 566 tavole a colori. legatura editoriale cartonata copertina figurata a colori. Testo Inglese. English edition.
AbstractThe art of Mimmo Rotella seems to be marked by a constant play of chance and intuition–”the mythical mental radar” to which the artist often alludes in his writings–and can be characterized by his attraction to the unusual, the unexplored and the unforeseen. Germano Celant traces Rotella’s work, in all of its diversified phases and periods from 1946 to the present, including the initial geometrical and pre-décollages works, the decollages and the verso of torn street posters, the artypo and emulsified canvases, the blanks, and the overpaintings. Rotella has been the subject of numerous retrospectives throughout Europe and the United States, including Grand Central Station, New York in 1994; Cuartel del Conde Duque, Madrid also in 1994; Galerie Ernst Hilger, Wien in 1999; and Palazzo della Triennale, Milan in 2004. In 1964, Rotella represented Italy in the Venice Biennale.
EUR 137.00
EUR 89.00
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