#325121 Arti Applicate Vetro e Pietre Dure

The M.V.M. Cappellin Glassworks and the Young Carlo Scarpa 1925-1931.

CuratoreEditeb by Marino Barovier e Carla Sonego.
Data di pubbl.
Dettagli cm.29x31, pp.559, illustrazioni a colori. legatura editoriale cartonata, sopracoperta figurata a colori. Testo Inglese. Text in english.
AbstractA new publication in the series "Le Stanze del Vetro", a project for the study and enhancement of Venetian glassmaking in the 20th century, from a collaboration between the Fondazione Cini and Pentagram Stiftung. This volume accompanies the fall exhibition in Venice dedicated to the history of master glassmaker Muranesi Cappellin & C. (which Giacomo Cappellin founded after breaking with Paolo Venini and the V.S.M. Cappellin Venini & C.) to become one of the most important glass companies thanks also to its collaboration with a young architect, Carlo Scarpa. The vast production ranges from transparent glass to milky glass with gold, or glass paste and cased glass, or Phoenician decorations and figures, animals and plants; plus important lighting works. The entire output of Cappellin is documented (open from 1925 to 1931), placing the spotlight above all on the contribution of the major architect and glass designer Carlo Scarpa, his work during the 1920s and his relations with the arts. The book also discusses the production and exhibitions of Cappellin in Paris and the United States, relations established with artists in Turin and its very unique glass productions. Edited by Marino Barovier, this volume includes the catalogue of the complete works by Carlo Scarpa for Cappellin and is an indispensible tool for collectors, scholars and art dealers.
EUR 75.00
EUR 59.00
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