#325205 Religioni

Frequent Confession. Its place in the spiritual life. Instructions and considerations for the frequent reception of the Sacrament of penance.

EditoreFour Courts Press - Lumen Christi Press.
Data di pubbl.
Dettagli cm.14x21, pp.189, brossura. Testo in inglese.
AbstractHere is strong, convincing evidence that frequent reception of the Sacrament of Penance is one of the most reliable paths to spiritual growth. Author Benedict Baur explains the purpose of frequent Confession, outlines the essential elements of every good Confession, and shows how frequent Confession can help you conquer sin (including venial sin), imperfections, self-love, and lukewarmness. On the positive side, he details how frequent Confession will improve your prayer life and give you growth in sacramental grace, fear of God, love of Christ, fraternal charity - and much more.
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