#325518 Biografie

Queen Elizabeth I.

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Dettagli cm.15x22, pp.416, brossura, copertina figurata a colori.
AbstractFor more than fifty years this beautifully written biography has held the field as THE comprehensive study of Elizabeth's entire reign: the wars with Spain and the Spanish Armada; the long-standing struggle with Mary, Queen of Scots; her subtle and resourceful foreign and domestic policies; the abortive marriage projects, plots and court intrigues. Few other books bring so vividly to life men like Darnley and Drake, Essex and Southampton - and the complex and compelling character of the Queen herself. Sir John Neale combines deep learning and pyschological insight with the ability to make extraordinary events clear and accessible; the result is a biography of enduring value to historians and general readers alike."A work of exquisite and, what is still rarer, of just and balanced scholarship" (Listener)"Every page of the book illustrates his intimate acquaintance with the sources" (Times Literary Supplement)"A masterly book, scholarly, wise and witty" (English Historical Review).
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