#325541 Fotografia

Photography: History of Photography. Volumes I-IV. 1) The Origins 1839-1890.2) A New Vision of the World 1891-1940.3) From the Press to the Museum 1941-1980.4) The Contemporary Era 1981-2013.

CuratoreEdited by Walter Guadagnini.
Data di pubbl.
Dettagli4 volumi. cm.21x28, pp.1376, illustrazioni in bianco e nero e a colori, tavole. legature editoriali cartonate in cofanetto custodia telata, con copertine illustrate. Testo Inglese. English edition.
AbstractThis history of photography, marking an ideal continuity with the "Art of the 20th century" series, responds to the need for accurate informtion for the general public and supplies more specialised investigations of the medium, offering an international overview.The series offers a complete, up-to-date survey of photography through an original and transversal analisys. This special edition gathers four volumes in an exclusive slipcase inspired by the oldest surviving camera photograph, View from the Window at Le Gras, created by Nicéphore Niépce in 1826.The books provide an extraordinary repertory of images and a vast source of information, enriched through "focus on" windows and technical information, synoptic tables and a summary glossary. The essays, by some leading international experts, investigate and analyze in chronological order the transformations of the world's photographic culture and the najor figures that have shaped the development oog photography.With a chronological division into four main periods (The Origins 1839-1890; A New Vision of the World 1891-1940;From the Press to the Museum 1941-1980; The Contemporary Era 1981-2013), this will be the most authoritative set on the subject.Former director of the Galleria Civica in Modena, Walter Guadagnini is a curator and professor of history of contemporary art at the Accademia delle Belle Arti in Bologna. He is also commissaire unique for the Italian section of "Paris Photo".
EUR 220.00
EUR 99.00
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