#327662 Incisioni Serigrafie Opere originali Quadri

The Industrious 'Prentice Lord Mayor of London. Proverbs Chap. III ver:16 : Length of days is in her right hand, In her left hand riches and honor.

CuratoreWilliam Hogarth's Industry and Idleness: Plate 12. Engraving.
Data di pubbl.
Dettagli cm.40x27, su foglio di cm.62x48, incorniciato con cornice in legno di cm. 66x50.
AbstractIn William Hogarth's twelfth and last scene of Industry and Idleness, the newly elected Lord Mayor of London sits in his coach and leads a procession of guilds displaying various banners. Spectators watch and cheer. Others, however, occupy themselves in activities such as drinking or love making. To the right a comic group of city militia mill about. One stupidly discharges his gun. Besides them a boy holds a broadsheet entitled, "A full and true Account of ye Ghost of Tho. Idle". The gala occasion is observed the Prince of Wales and his peers, who occupy the upper balcony. William Hogarth's moral statement and primary purpose in this series is to illustrate the benefits of sincere and honest work. This is truely empathized in this final plate.
CondizioniUsato, molto buono
Notefoglio in parte brunito e macchiato nella parte bianca in basso a destra.
EUR 220.00
#327662Ultima copia
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