#329130 Egittologia

Egypt Yesterday and Today:

CuratoreLithographs and Diaries by David Roberts R.A. Photographs by Antonio Attini.
EditoreSwan Hill Press.
Data di pubbl.
Dettagli cm.26x36, pp.270 ill.a colori. legatura editoriale cartonata con sopracoperta.
AbstractThis book shows the before and after of these ancient sites after excavation as never seen before. The wonderful and romantic images from David Roberts as were first seen when he travelled to Egypt, are contrasted with current photographs of the same sites. Although saving these monuments to the ancient past is most important to the world, one can't help but to wish to come upon these wonders when Roberts captured them in his drawings. Truely a must for anyone who has been to Egypt, or simply wants to arm travel through history.A large book with full color plates.
CondizioniUsato, molto buono
EUR 29.00
#329130Ultima copia
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