#62483 Design

Intimacy. Spot on schools. Edited by P.Giaconia. Beyond Media/Oltre i Media. 7th international festival for architecture in video. Florence, October 2-12/2003.

Data di pubbl.
Dettagli cm.17x22, pp.92, oltre 200 ill.bn.e col.nt. brossura cop.fig.a col. Ediz.in inglese.
Abstract«SPOT ON SCHOOLS offers a first survey of the most distinguished schools of architecture in the world that explored inventive design strategies, facilitated by new technologies, and investigated the ways in which digital media have informed the conception and production of architecture. It is an exploration of the new ranges of architectural communication that digital media have made available; an investigation of how digital instruments are transforming the modes by which architects can conceive and communicate their designs and of how technology and mass media are shaping their representations; a presentation and discussion of the state-of-the-art and cutting-edge researches in the field. SPOT ON SCHOOLS is a wide though preliminary investigation, aimed at a changing international panorama that is in full development and is not afraid to reveal its heterogeneity and – as far as the most radical and extreme cases are concerned – even its indeterminateness. An agenda for future investigations.»Con la mostra “Spot on Schools” il festival Beyond Media/Oltre i media, promosso dal Dipartimento di Tecnologie dell’Architettura e Design “Pierluigi Spadolini” dell’Università di Firenze, apre un’indagine sulle ricerche sviluppate a livello internazionale intorno al rapporto tra architettura e mezzi di comunicazione.
CondizioniUsato, buono
EUR 10.00
EUR 5.00
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