#70342 Arte Pittura

Leonardo da Vinci. The Last Supper.

CuratoreTranslated by H.Tighe.
EditoreElecta Ed.
Data di pubbl.
Dettagli cm.25,5x28,5, pp.XIII,440, 227 ill.e tavv.a col.nt.e ft. legatura ed.in tutta tela,soprac.fig.a col.cofanetto in mz.tela,piatti figg.a col.
AbstractThe volume presents the results of the lengthy restoration of Leonardo's Last Supper. This great masterpiece in Milan, commissioned by Ludovico il Moro in 1494, can now be seen in its original form, freed of the painted revisions added over the centuries.The splendid illustrations of the volume show the striking quality of the painting, the penetrating expressive impact of the figures of the apostles and Christ, the profound spatial sense and utterly Lombard naturalistic fidelity of the reproduction of the details of the details of the set table, offering new and interesting elements for interpretation of the genius of Leonardo.The close-up view of the work, thanks to actual-size reproductions, offers a marvelously vivid, memorable experience, seeing the work as the artist saw it while completing the painting.
CondizioniUsato, buono
EUR 103.29
EUR 73.00
#70342Ultima copia
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Le lunette di Leonardo da Vinci nel Refettorio delle Grazie.
Le lunette di Leonardo da Vinci nel Refettorio delle Grazie.
1990, cm.21x27, pp.89, 38 figg.bn.e col.nt. brossura cop.fig.a col. Coll.Quaderni di Restauro.
Usato, come nuovo
#45100Ultima copia
23.24 13.00